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Univera Consulting provides an array of services supporting businesses and organisations in order to develop positive change. Tailor-fit for your needs, we support our clients through consultancy, training and coaching services focusing mainly on these topics: 
Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning will help an organisation in assessing the risks and opportunities in their environment, in determining their direction and goals through the consideration of their current and potential capacity and making sure all employees are working for the same goals.


Our team provides support for enterprises and organisations in developing successful strategic plans, together with the formulation of achievable action plans.



Marketing aims to attract the attention of customers in order to sell goods or services by creating value. A marketing plan asks the questions 'where are we?', 'where do we want to be?' and determines strategies in order to reach our goals. Marketing activities help to better understand the needs and demands of customers and developes tools that will help compete with the competition.


At Univera, we provide consultancy, coaching and training on marketing related subjects including developing a marketing plan, branding and sales. 

Organisation Management

The organisation management programme, aims to build the capacity of NGO's including chambers and professional associations, and their staff. 


The programme includes capacity development support regarding topics including governance, membership services, event planning, marketing, non-due revenue generation, communications, network development, technology. 

Project Management

Project management is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria.


At Univera we guide you in transforming your ideas to solid activities by using project management principles to plan, execute, monitor, control and finalise your project.


You have a new business idea; you would like to seize an opportunity at hand; you have developed a new product or service; you would like to be self-employed.. 


The Univera Entrepreneurship Programme supports you in developing your business idea into a feasible investment by helping entrepreneurs in assesing risks and opportunities, and in considering necessary factors for achieving success.  


In addition, our team can provide information on access to finance and donor programmes for investing in your idea.

Grant & Credit Consultancy

Our team can support you in developing your project for applying to call for proposals and credit schemes provided by international and local donors. 


Through grant and credit consultancy, our team supports you in clarifying the expectations of the donor, in evaluating your experience, financial and managerial capacity and in reflecting your competitive advantages in your project. 

Business Planning

A business plan is needed in order to access finance for starting up or developing your business. A business plan provides information on the position of your business idea in the market and which strategies you plan to use to reach your goals, in order to attract the attention of investors.  


You can attend our Business Planning Training Programme or acquire consultancy services on how to develop an effective business plan to present your business idea to investors.


Corporate Development

Corporate development involves reshaping of the management structure of an organisation in order to minimise the dependency on individuals, for running activities in a systematic fashion. It also refers to the planning and execution of strategies to meet organisational objectives.


Our team supports enterprises and organisations in defining their goals, strategies and restructuring for corporate development.

Communication & Visibility

The visibility of your products/ services, the acknowledgement of your business and your differentiation and the popularity of your organisation is dependent on a successful communication plan.


Our team help can help you in developing a successful communication plan that utilises the correct communcation tools for maximising your visibility among your target audience.  




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